Sustainability analytics

Your program success relies on data that’s accurate, relevant, and easy to use. Ceres AI has you covered with the industry's leading analytics tools for agriculture.

tree count circular highlight

Crop inventories

Ceres provides automated reports with timely and accurate measurements of key farm characteristics, such as crop type, plant counts, tree diameters, crop vigor and planted acreage verification. Use crop inventories to populate past and present farm data, minimizing the burden of reporting on the farmer. 

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soil stratification

Monitoring and measurement

Guide efficient soil sampling with soil carbon stratifications and digitally monitor farm management practices including planting dates, harvest date, and use of cover crops. Our monitoring and measurement capabilities are backed by more than a decade of research collaborations with NASA, Agrifutures Australia, the University of California–Davis, and more.


wind farm and farm fieldsSustainability recommendations

Create sustainability scorecards customized for your program needs. They come with Ceres' field-level recommendations that farmers use to reduce GHG emissions, improve water use efficiency, anticipate disease outbreaks, and increase nitrogen use efficiency.

portfolio map insetPortfolio insights

Uncover insights and integrate data from projects across your supply chain in easily exportable tables and dashboards. Report the impact of your sustainability programs and track progress to goals across your global portfolio. 

                   Learn more

PLI menu 800xPlant-level insights

Unlike other providers that analyze data only at the regional or field level, Ceres delivers insights on project performance down to the individual tree or vine. This enhanced precision unlocks the ability to quantify changes—so you can surface sustainability trends, make targeted, farm-level recommendations, and analyze improvements over time. 

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Ceres AI integrates seamlessly with farm management software and in-field sensors.

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Best-in-class aerial imagery

Ceres AI is the industry leader in aerial data for agriculture, providing crop health data down to the individual plant level.

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Mobile friendly

Easily refer to imagery in the field on your phone or tablet.

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Customized for you

Pricing and service levels tailored to your operation.

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Get started with Ceres

Schedule a consultation for detailed product info, pricing, and more.

Contact us

“Ceres allowed us to actually quantify, plan, and reduce water use without affecting the trees.”

Geoff Klein
Irrigation Manager, Bullseye Farms

“With Ceres, we can take a more targeted approach to applying fertilizer and nutrients.”

Brian Fiscalini
CEO, Fiscalini Cheese Company

“Ceres [is] already delivering positive, measurable changes to grower practices.”

Debbie Watts
Vice President, Yara North America