
“It’s a very non-invasive way to measure ROI. [I use Ceres to] figure out what my potential loss is, and how much money I need to spend to fix a given problem.”

Zac Ellis—Sr. Agronomy Director, Olam International
drip line in soil

Detect threats

We pinpoint crop health issues 2-3 weeks before they are visually apparent in the field—and before they impact yield and the bottom line. Our highly trained algorithms use cutting edge computer vision techniques and have been validated through research collaboration with NASA, the University of California—Davis, Washington State University, and more.

  • Detect water, nutrient, disease and pest issues
  • Receive issue alert notifications
  • Track work in the field and ensure problems are addressed promptly
aerial center pivot potato

Measure impact

Our proprietary analytics tools segment out ground cover and soil, producing the most accurate data available. Ceres assesses crop health down to the individual plant level, so you can quantify the impact of your decisions across your operation or portfolio.

  • Measure changes in crop health, sustainability metrics, and uniformity over time
  • Easily compare performance between fields or varietals and against baselines
  • Measure yield impact and calculate ROI of capital improvements
almonds on orchard floor

Optimize ROI

With a decade of specialized expertise in data analysis for agriculture, Ceres helps customers make the best investment decisions for capital improvements and land acquisitions.  

  • Allocate capital to the right strategic land investments based on past and present farm conditions
  • Track investment progress and make adjustments to optimize yields and improve returns
  • Report the impact of your sustainability programs and track progress to goals
Product spotlight: fARM SOLUTIONS

Ceres AI offers powerful data tools to help you quantify, track, and analyze farm performance.


Learn more

new features 2021 multidevice mockup
tomato harvest machinery

Evaluating ROI

Reducing the amount of time a crop spends under undesirable stress translates directly to improved yields and quality. That's why Ceres customers achieve, on average, an 8% increase in yield. Learn how in this short guide.

Download the guide
Staff of Trinchero Family Estates

Real farms, measurable results

Ceres works closely with agriculture professionals to tackle farm management challenges—from improving uniformity in wine grapes to conserving water in almond orchards.

Read case studies

We’re proud to partner with these leaders in agriculture.

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Get started with Ceres

Schedule a consultation for detailed product info, pricing, and more.

Contact us

“We were extremely pleased with the accuracy of the [Ceres] solution … and are confident this will be an easy-to-use tool for our customers to save money and make better decisions with their fungicide applications.”

Matt Free
Agronomy Manager, Evergreen FS

“Ceres helps us prioritize capital irrigation system improvements with a bottom-up approach to get the most bang for our buck.”

Craig Alm
Owner and Farm Manager, Yatco Farms

“We are excited about the work Ceres AI is doing with high-resolution thermal imaging and analytics today, especially as it pertains to precision irrigation.”

Gustavo Oberto
President of Global Irrigation, Lindsay Corporation