flooded soybean field

“The new information Ceres produces actually streamlines the underwriting process for agricultural insurance with its more complete analysis of risk.”

"Agricultural risk technology makes advances"—Digital Insurance
aerial view of farm plots

Take accurate inventories

Automate data collection for underwriting, pre-inspection, and production reports. Our highly trained algorithms use cutting-edge computer vision techniques and have been validated through research collaboration with NASA, the University of California—Davis, and more. Available data includes:

  • Crop acreage and counts
  • Field boundaries
  • Harvest date
  • Plant date
  • Historical crop data
hail-damaged corn

Respond to loss claims

Quickly and accurately measure storm impacts across your portfolio, expediting the claims process by 25% while optimizing indemnity calculations by 5%. We are leaders in the use of convolutional neural networks to segment out ground cover and soil, so you can quantify impact down to the plant level. Covered perils include: 

  • Hail damage
  • Wind damage
  • Frost damage
  • Prevent plant/replant
  • Flood damage
farm landscape with storm incoming

Forecast and balance risks

Synthesize real-time risk data at both the portfolio and individual farm level. Ceres' holistic view combines high-resolution imagery, IoT field sensors, and satellite-based analytics to forecast yield risk and help you take action. Calculate potential payouts, adjust risk models, and provide farmers with timely recommendations to protect their crop. We evaluate and provide risk insights on:

  • Crop mix
  • Planting and emergence
  • Crop health and productivity
  • Harvest outcomes
product spotlight: risk SOLUTIONS

Ceres offers powerful data tools to help you quantify, track, and analyze risks to your portfolio.


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new features 2021 multidevice mockup
hail damage to crop

Rethinking damage assessment

Ceres’ rapid and accurate hail damage assessments can help prevent overpayment on damage claims following a storm.

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earned media insurance thought leadership

Adapting to climate change

From supply chain interruptions and skyrocketing input costs to increasingly extreme and volatile weather, the effects of climate change are already apparent.

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We're proud to partner with these leaders in agriculture.

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Get started with Ceres

Schedule a consultation for detailed product info, pricing, and more.

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“Overall, 87% of [agriculture finance] respondents expect climate change to pose a material risk to their businesses.”

Deloitte Consulting LLP and the Environmental Defense Fund
“[Ceres] saved us a ton of time, since we didn't have to do as much surveying of individual fields.” 
Nick Edsall
Orchard Manager, Bullseye Farms
“After investigating several drone, satellite and aerial imagery options, Ceres AI was found to provide the best results at an economical price.”
Agrifutures Australia