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The problem

Nathan faced a tough decision on his large, family-owned vineyard in California.

He discovered bunch rot on the south side of an 80-acre block where he was growing Chenin Blanc, white wine. When he drove to the north side of the block, there was no rot to be seen. His buyer (which is one of the top 3 wineries in CA), requested he thin out the entire block, just to be safe. Nathan wanted to avoid the huge labor expense of doing this, not to mention the lost revenue of thinning the full 80 acres, but felt that he had no other options.

The Solution

Nathan knew that bunch rot is correlated with canopy cover.

So, using the thermal imagery layer, he was able to pinpoint the infected areas in the block and discovered the bunch rot was only affecting 10 acres along the southern part of the block. He verified things one more time in the field with his Ceres Imaging app in hand, and then used the imagery to make the case to his buyer to selectively thin only the 10 affected acres- leaving the remaining 70 acres free to harvest. The buyer accepted the approach.


$83,000 in savings

Nathan, with the Ceres Imaging app in hand, shows the infected area on the southwest side of the block.

Holding the imagery in my hand at the winery, I was able to make a strong case and prove it to them, saving most of the 80-acre block.

Nathan Cardella

Partner and Farm Manager, Cardella Winery

University-validated science



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